Agrifac selects WEED-IT spot spraying technology

WEED-IT manufacturer Rometron and Dutch sprayer manufacturer Agrifac have signed an agreement to equip Agrifac Condor self-propelled sprayers with WEED-IT technology for more efficient, smarter and above all more sustainable weed management.

Agrifac selects WEED-IT spot spraying technology

The agreement comprises of the delivery of WEED-IT Quadro technology to Agrifac customers who aim to manage weeds more effectively. In order to do so, WEED-IT relies on fluorescence technology as the best suitable technology for weed management. The technology referred to as ‘the power of fluorescence’ is fast, fool proof, robust and offers the highest success rate as it relies on the phenomenon of photosynthesis.

The living plant chlorophyll emits a small portion of near infra-red (NIR) light as a reaction to the light emitted by the WEED-IT sensors referred to as ‘chlorophyll fluorescence’. The WEED-IT sensors measure this chlorophyll fluorescence and distinguish living plants (weeds) from dead plant matter, soil and any other substances. Day and night!


Find and target weeds more efficiently

Fast and effective

One of the reasons why WEED-IT fluorescence technology is so fast, is that it uses the speed of light to detect chlorophyll in plants. This means that any (type of) weed, no matter how small, is always detected at any speed. A second distinguishing reason is that WEED-IT technology does not require nor involve any image processing: weeds nor plants aren’t classified like (RBG) camera systems do. A third reason for WEED-IT being ultrafast is that both the weed detection and elimination are done by the same system: WEED-IT sensors followed by WEED-IT very fast pulse width modulation (PWM) nozzles.

On Condor and Condor Endurance

Agrifac will offer the technology on its Condor and Condor Endurance self-propelled sprayers. In France, the brand was recently repositioned as ‘Hyper Premium’ for entrepreneurs and special crops by its parent company Exel Industries. Rens Albers, Product Manager Condor Range on the collaboration:

WEED-IT is used by many farmers around the world to efficiently manage weeds on their farms. By combining WEED-IT with our Agrifac sprayers, crop protection is lifted to another level.

In Australia as well as in Europe, the first Agrifac sprayers with WEED-IT technology have already been delivered to their new owners.

Ground glider precision spraying
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Toolbar precision spraying
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Quad precision spraying
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