Save $157,000 out of your spray bill in just eight weeks!

Australian website FarmOnline recently published a story about farming brothers and WEED-IT users David and Gordon Brownhill from New South Wales who saved a stunning AUS$157,000 on chemicals in just eight weeks’ time.

David and Gordon have been using weed sensing and spot spraying technology since the year 2001 and can be considered as early adopters and experienced users. Earlier this year, they switched to the latest WEED-IT Quadro technology on a 36 metres spray boom. “We are super happy. It has been a great investment and the payback has been crazy. In the first eight weeks we saved $157,000 off the weed bill”, David Brownhill said. “This way we’ll probably be able to pay it off in just two years. It is one of the few bits of technology that gives you a return to the pocket straight away.”

Read the whole story on the FarmOnline website.

WEED-IT works!

Do you also want spot spraying technology that’s pays it selves off in a very short time? Then get in touch with one of our distributors across the world who can tell you all about it!