WEED-IT: leaves no weed behind in broadacre, row crops and specialty crops
Since 1999, WEED-IT is helping society and farmers combat easy and hard to kill weeds sustainably by eliminating weeds individually.

With crop protection products, hot water and even mechanically with cultivators.
The praxis-proven technology to detect and eliminate weeds per plant and save up to 95 percent of chemical costs, has promoted WEED-IT to becoming the global number 1 reference in efficient weed management.
The sophisticated technology of detecting living plant material, living chlorophyll of any type of plant, is capable of doing so much more than enabling farmers to target weeds. It prevents weeds from becoming resistant to herbicides, helps diminishing weed seed banks and it helps secure soil moisture for crops and cattle. At WEED-IT, we are constantly on a quest to develop the best of the best and to meet with farmers evolving needs. Across the globe, pre-emergence weed elimination becomes increasingly challenging because of changing weather conditions, herbicide resistant weeds and lack of labour to operate tractors and sprayers. What if post-emergence, often referred to as green-on-green, becomes inevitable? Get you WEED-IT sprayer out! What, WEED-IT for post-emergence precision spraying? Yes! As of now there’s no need to opt for a different sprayer or green-on-green camera technology with the new WEED-IT Spot in Crop spray mode for, right, spotting post-emergence weeds in row crops!

No cameras required for green-on-green
There is a common misunderstanding that high resolution cameras and artificial-intelligence (AI) based programs are required for green-on-green systems to identify in-crop weeds. No such thing is required irrespective of the technology provider/brand. In fact, the cameras, brackets, lights and image processing computers only introduce extra ballast (weight) to your spray booms. Another benefit of WEED-IT Spot in Crop compared to trying to recognise in-crop weeds with cameras and AI is that WEED-IT requires no calibration and no (re)training of algorithms because we don’t need them. No (re)training, no updating and no subscription or pay-per-use costs per type of weed, per hectare, per acre nor per year! And no flashing lights blinding you while spot spraying in the dark. With WEED-IT on your sprayer, you have your own weed elimination professional for per plant and individual weed elimination the minute you start it up for the first time. Whenever, where ever, all day and all season long. Why settle for a startup solution when you can choose for decades of experience, naturally proven and foolproof technology?

Products that helps
WEED-IT Quadro
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
WEED-IT Aqrate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
Mastering Application Mode
Three different application modes make sure the WEED-IT system is all you need to eliminate every kind of weed with any type and brand of sprayer.
Spot Spraying
In spot spraying mode, WEED-IT targets all living green material on fallow land to maximise moisture availability and to minimise competition and herbicide resistances.
Dual spraying
In dual spraying mode, WEED-IT applies a low application rate (like 30 l/ha) full width and a higher rate (like 100 l/ha) on every single weed detected.
Cover Mode
With WEED-IT, you can not only spot spray weeds, you can also apply any type of herbicide, insecticide and fungicide with its up to 200 Hz ultrafast PWM technology.
Spot in Crop
With WEED-IT, you can not only spot spray weeds, you can also apply any type of herbicide, insecticide and fungicide with its up to 200 Hz ultrafast PWM technology.
four application modes
Beyond accurate

Spot spraying
In spot spraying mode, WEED-IT targets all living green material on fallow land to maximise moisture availability and to minimise competition and herbicide resistances.

Dual spraying
In spot spraying mode, WEED-IT targets all living green material on fallow land to maximise moisture availability and to minimise competition and herbicide resistances.

Cover Mode
In spot spraying mode, WEED-IT targets all living green material on fallow land to maximise moisture availability and to minimise competition and herbicide resistances.

Spot on Crop
In spot spraying mode, WEED-IT targets all living green material on fallow land to maximise moisture availability and to minimise competition and herbicide resistances.
What benefits do you get
- Robust detection sensors
- Fast PWM solenoids
- The right spray rate at the right place
- Work day and night

- Robust detection sensors
- Fast PWM solenoids
- The right spray rate at the right place
- Work day and night