Row crops

WEED-IT feels at home in any type of row crop!

Tackling weeds in row crops can be a real challenge, a true ordeal. What if there was one solution to deal with any type of weed – no matter how persistent – pre and post emergence and post-harvest? Look no further, WEED-IT is at home in every type of crop in any part of the season!

WEED-IT Quadro is the only precision spraying system with 4 standard spray modes dedicated to every part of your growing season. By using the Quadro technology after harvest, before crop emergence and during chem fallow, you can eradicate individual weeds on a per plant basis with spot spraying. WEED-IT detects and eliminates weeds and volunteer plants individually with a plant physics based unique detection principle called the Power of Fluorescence. The technology relies on the fact that every plant and weed requires chlorophyll for its photosynthesis to live and grow. This means that every living plant, no matter how small, is naturally detected by the WEED-IT sensors. Moreover, the more chlorophyl a plant contains, the stronger the signal gets and the more ‘chlorophyll fluorescence’ is captured by the sensors. Precision spraying is ideal to eliminate individual weeds and volunteer plants after harvest, before crop emergence and during chem fallow in row crops such as cotton, maize/corn and soybeans.

Another benefit of chlorophyll fluorescence is that it also works if the sensors are in the dark and/or close to the ground. Even if the sensors are fitted underneath a hood or cover to protect the row crop. Examples include wide row cotton on 40 inch spacings as well as 36 and 50 inch spacings. Similar setups are available through our partners in Australia and North and South America for other row crops and even for permanent crops, orchards and vineyards.

‘Hooded’ applications 

Post-emergence weed elimination

There is a misconception that (high resolution) cameras and artificial-intelligence (AI) are required to identify in-crop weeds. No such thing is required irrespective of the technology provider/brand. In fact, WEED-IT Quadro technology has a few unique tricks up its sleeve to detect and spray hard to find and sometimes even partly covered individual weeds! Just like the camera on your smartphone, a visual camera needs to literally see an object with the right focus to be able to distinguish an object from its surroundings and/or background. That’s no problem to the human eye but it is a problem to an algorithm developed to distinguish weed plants detected by a camera. Besides, the camera has to be positioned at a certain distance and height for the right focus.


Spot in Crop for in-crop weed elimination

When pre-emergence weed management didn’t go according to plan because of for instance weather conditions or lack of time. And weeds remained or started to emerge in your row crops, there’s no need any more to use suboptimal spraying technologies or to take those weeds for granted. With the new Spot in Crop spray mode, you’re all settled and equipped to detect and eliminate weeds and volunteer plants in row crops such as cotton, maize/corn and soybeans). The clever setting distinguishes individual taller weeds and volunteer plants from your row crop plants and only activates the spray nozzle(s) located directly above the weed(s). By using Power of Fluorescence, WEED-IT often only requires one single pass to eliminate those persistent hard to kill weeds in row crops before your crop closes. Saving crop protection products, water, fuel and nature.


Advantages of WEED-IT for spraying in row crops

  • Weed elimination on a per plant level
    • Also with mechanical tools
  • Not affected by a moving or waving crop nor by dusty or wet weeds
    • No misses or wrongly annotated/identified weed plants
  • Tackles partly covered weeds
  • Comes with an ultrashort minimum spray margin with minimum nozzle activation of only 10 centimetres (4 inches) in driving direction
    • Always on-target and maximum savings
  • Save up to 95 percent on crop protection chemicals costs with minimum weed pressure
    • Use up to 95 percent less water
  • Cover more hectares with one tank load, less refills
  • Helps prevent weeds becoming resistant to affordable and generic herbicides
  • The ideal and in some cases only resolution to eradicate hard to kill weeds
    • Ability to use a more potent tank mixture
  • Helps diminish and prevent weed seed banks from building up
  • Works day and night thanks to its own active light source
  • Requires no calibration, never, ever
  • PWM technology ensures correct application rate
  • Speed and curve compensation
  • Retrofittable to any type of sprayer
  • Accurate at speeds up to 25 kph (15 mph)
  • No pay-per-use based on algorithms, type of weed or acreage covered
  • Create maps of different activities including as covered maps, as applied maps and crop density maps

Optimize crop yields, reduce herbicide use, and enhance sustainability.

Interested in our advanced precision weed control technology for row crops? We would be glad to tell you more. Just drop us a line, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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